Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thinking in science & tubes

We started class by discussing the kind of thinking required when investigating the tubes. Some examples included: imagination, creativity, logical, inventive and collaborative. We then talked about how scientists use those same kinds of thought processes when they do their work. Many people think that scientists are not creative, but they approach problems in much the same way we approached the tubes. They are curious and are working to figure out how things work. We will make many more connections between our work and real scientists as we move forward.

We then spent some more time investigating the tubes. We put several ideas on the board and decided that we must make our own versions of our ideas in order to test how well they work. Hence the assignment of bringing in your own "tube" due tomorrow.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Today we first discussed two questions. What is science? & How does science work? After discussing these questions both online and off, we introduced the tubes. The students' task will be to find out as much about the tubes as possible. See the video for some examples of the fascinating behavior the tubes exhibit.

Click the link below for some very brief instructions on how to set up and use edmodo. Most of you have probably already figured most of this out already, but this could be of use to some of you.

Edmodo Tutorial

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day Impressions

Here are a few students' thoughts on their first impressions of science class this year.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This site will serve as a "home base" for our class this year. I will post assignments, notes, links, and summaries to this site regularly. The links to the right will also be useful to you throughout the school year. If your parents have access to the internet, please share this address with them. They are more than welcome to check out what we are up to in class.

Feel free to leave comments or ask questions using this site - same goes for parents! I am greatly looking forward to our journey this year!